Sunday, November 13, 2005

the success of any corporation

"...dedicated employees are key to the success of any corporation, and marketing and innovation should come before worries about finances."

-peter druker-author of more than 30 books, was known as the father of modern management.

Friday, August 26, 2005

not interrupt

"the person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."
-chinese proverb

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

news advertising

"The real gold is getting people to talk about something…News advertising is proven to sell more than any kind of advertising you pay for,"

-Lindsay Meredith from Simon Fraser University marketing professor on the accidental release of the Harry Potter book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Friday, June 10, 2005

Failures and Opportunities

"Failures should be looked upon as simply the beginning of another opportunity"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Firefighter's doctor: Never give up

Doctor put as much faith in God as in medications

"God will not help you unless you try something,If you try something and if you believe, God may help you."
-Dr. Jamil Ahmed on how his brain-injured patient had snapped out of a stupor lasting almost 10 years from Boston University Medical Center

Monday, May 09, 2005

Inspire a new leadership drive

"Though the military has a very hierarchical structure, it's very supportive of those people out on the ground."

"People would not fulfil their potential, he cautioned, if they were banned from ever departing from scripts and could not easily converse with senior figures."

"Whenever people are trained to go to war they are expected to grasp the initiative whenever it presents itself - to not waste the opportunity by wondering what the penalty will be if they get it wrong."

"If the entrepreneur doesn't appreciate that it takes people to turn his vision into action and reality, he's lost it,"

-Philip Chaganis, a retired colonel who was awarded an OBE for his leadership during the first Gulf War, is a co-founder of Icon Training.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


"If you have a dream and don't work at it, what good is the dream?"
-Rita Simo from the People's Music School

NASA's management 'Culture Changes'?

"Now, it's mostly about power and prestige and preserving ones own stature in the organization,"
-former NASA astronaut Jim Wetherbee.

"Do I think we are headed in the right direction? No, I think we need to improve and change the culture. We need to develop a system where the rulers at the top are willing to listen the folks down at the bottom,"
-former NASA astronaut Jim Wetherbee.

"We are never going to be able to say, 'We've fixed our culture.' If we ever say we have fixed our culture and it's perfect, then we have a problem because we should always be trying to make ourselves better,"
-Space Shuttle Discovery commander Col. Eileen Collins.